Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Camille's Wishful Wednesday: Trying To Stay Single Without Cooperation

***Camille is a friend of mine I know from church. She is classified on another blog I read as a "hopeless romantic", and I think that describes her pretty well. I also think she's incredibly well-balanced and able to work on multiple parts of herself at once. She is a law student, a Sunday school teacher, and an all-around good person. She has some pretty concrete ideas about men and the type of man she'd like to end up with. But she's doing the in-my-20s-dating-follies thing as well.***

Side Note [my internet is still running super slow, but I'm going to try to post so I am not skipping a day I actually have something to share]

As soon as you make it clear you're trying to be single, men start coming out of the woodwork. I've already talked about Bachelor #1 and Bachelor #2, but it's not just them. I added to it to with introducing her to one of Easy's best friends. But in my defense, Easy made that happen, I wasn't trying to do all of what happened.

And now one of Camille's family friends is trying to hook her up with someone purely because the guy is also in law school. I guess that means they have a lot in common. But seriously, why should someone have to send out a mass e-mail about their intended single-hood unless they risk being setup every five minutes.

I'm interested to see how Camille handles all of this with people constantly saying, "I may have someone for you." She's still working on herand focusing on her. With that, and law school, I doubt she has time to squeeze in working on a new relationshp. But if the right guy comes along, screw being single.

I'm sure the right guy woud encourage her to spend all that time in the library and to maintain her new healthy lifestyle strategies. But I'm betting most of these guys floating around (technically there's a whole handful now) are probably not The One. At least not right now.

So Camille met the guy I liked for her (not in a setting where they could actually get to know each other though) and she's going to meet up with the guy suggested by the family friend. She's heading to that introduction with an "as friends: mind set. And there's still Bachelor #1 and #2.  But for now, she's single and embracing herself and her goals. If only the rest of us would let her alone to do that.

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