Since that time, it took me forever to actually book our cruise. I literally just did it Wednesday. But Sonny told me they put that date there to give people urgency, but there really wasn't a big rush. The rooms they set aside for our group were okay rooms. But the last time I went on a Carnival cruise, my parents were in one of the really nice rooms on the top deck.
I wanted to be in one of those rooms, so I paid the extra money and we'll be up there! The best part is Sonny and Cher also booked the nicer room. We joked that it would be the honeymoon floor. Now that the cruise is booked, I'm very excited for this event.
Things have been sailing smoother for Sonny and Cher since he switched jobs. He's finally in a job that uses his degree in finance. Cher helped him apply for jobs and he landed one as an investment banker. We live in Chicago, so he's no Wall Street fat cat who will be instrumental in our next recession.
Now that he's switched to a new job, he keeps more regular hours. That means he gets to spend more time with Cher. I'm hoping that means we can spend more time with them. He was finishing up at his old job just a few weeks ago so they missed Easy's and my engagement party. I'm dying for them to meet since Easy has hit it off so well with all the rest of my friends.
For my next post, I'll try to pry some wedding planning details out of Sonny.
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