
Bad: Male, 26, Chicago
Big Bad Thursday
Girlfriend: Jordan, living together, totally in love

***Big Bad Thursday is all about Bad. He's one of my best friends and was a charming, if commitment-phobic bachelor. He finally realized a woman was worth giving up complete and total bachelor-hood. So now Bad and Jordan are in love and working towards building a life together. They live in a wonderful apartment in Chicago and they are quite a fabulous couple.***

Bad is one of my best friends. Our families have known each other since before we were born. It just so happens that our birthdays are only four days apart. When I describe him, I say he's me but with a penis. Sounds weird, but if you met us, you'd understand completely.

Random Blog Facts About Bad
I came up with his blog name because he's know to say, "I'm the baddest mother f*@#er".
I came up with his girlfriend's blog name because the movie star she looks like plays a character by that name in a movie.
He's color blind, but he puts together some of the best outfits I've ever seen on a man.


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