Thursday, November 11, 2010

Lion's Life Wednesday: Special Thursday Edition Because They're In Love!!

***Lion is my best friend from college. He's a very focused young man working on getting his MD. This focus makes having a love life a very difficult undertaking. But he's making it happen somehow.***

Quick Recap [My last post about Lion was way back in August. He and Rudy just don't spend that much time together because of their school work and her job. So there wasn't much to post. But I was talking about their future and how I was worried that they didn't have one. I was definitely more concerned about it than Lion was.] Read Lion's Life Wednesday posts

Since that time, there have been some new developments. Lion has actually acknowledged that they may have an expiration date. They've had more talks about the differences in what they want out of life. He doesn't see how Rudy could ever give up on wanting children. And he doesn't see how he could ever want children.

But he does say that just is about today. They're still years away from making any decisions like that. They won't even have a chance to consider what's next until they both finish school. Maybe things will change by then. Maybe he will want children. A few years ago he didn't consider marriage as a good idea for him and that has changed.

But on to the more sappy sweet stuff. He went to visit our college and Rudy during homecoming two weekends ago. Right before he went down, he and Rudy reached a different level in their relationship. They discussed some very personal things and got closer as a couple.

And when he was down there, he told her he loved her. And she said it back of course! The story is sweet and fits them. They were just hanging out at her place and she was working on homework or something. And he just said it, no build up, no fuss to the situation. And then they moved on with their day.

That will never be a scene in a romantic comedy unless it stars that chick from Juno, but I couldn't imagine Lion and Rudy saying I love you in any other way.

Now that there's officially love involved, I'm hoping that means they're each more invested in the relationship and will work that much harder to make things work in the long term.

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