***Big Bad Thursday is all about Bad. He's one of my best friends and was a charming, if commitment-phobic bachelor. He finally realized a woman was worth giving up complete and total bachelor-hood. So now Bad and Jordan are in love and working towards building a life together. They live in a wonderful apartment in Chicago and they are quite a fabulous couple.***
Last week, I talked about Bad and Jordan starting their new lease for a new apartment. I also talked about a job interview Bad had recently. Lastly, I talked about a double date
my fiance Easy and I went on with them.
So, now for an update.
Their new apartment is great. It's so great that it has me re-thinking my anti-Hyde Park stance. I know moving there would do nothing to shorten my commute time to work, but it would be so great.
Their apartment is on the second floor of a walk-up in a great location (meaning relatively good parking for Hyde Park). The building has a courtyard that's so fantastic looking. They have a nice size bedroom and bathroom. Their kitchen has soooo much counter space. The closet is
huge. And since Jordan is an interior designer/set designer, it will be amazingly set up as well.
Their neighbors are all really nice. I went over there the day they moved in to hang out and help set up a bit. While we were walking to and from the car, we could hear strains of jazz coming from the window of one of the neighbors. It felt like a montage scene from Love Jones.
Moving on to the next thing. Bad is still waiting to hear back from the job, but they have just completed their interview period. They told him they'd let him now yea or nay, so hopefully he'll hear something soon. I hope he gets this job because it would be more money and less stress. That can only make life easier for his relationship and his status as a grad student.
Also, Easy and I have spent more time with Bad and Jordan.
I got engaged on Sunday and I told them when they came over to my parents' house for Memorial Day. We had a barbecue that grew larger as the list of attendees expanded.
They were excited to hear the news and really happy for us. Jordan was there not just as a guest, but also to work. She took a look around the first floor of the house and took notes and pictures and talked to my mom about what she wanted in terms of redecoration. I think she will come up with something great for the house. I tried to put in a good word to get her to fix the gold tiled fireplace first, but she said that wasn't the biggest concern.
Bad, Jordan, Easy, and I, along with one of my younger cousins, played the Wii. We played the Michael Jackson game and Rock Band 2. Good times. Hanging out and laughing together is good for the soul, you know?
My parents bought champagne and had each of us give a toast to the newly engaged couple (yay for us!), and I'm pretty sure I think Bad gave the best toast. It was a great moment because it really solidified in Easy's eyes how much Bad cares about me and my well-being.
I talk a lot about working on friendships with the girls of my close guy friends, but it's nice to be on the flip side of that and know that these two men who are both so important to me are working on a friendship themselves.
Oh and Jordan and Easy had each other cracking up. They have a pretty comparable sense of humor. If we move to Hyde Park, being near them will certainly be a big bonus.
I wish I had taken a video of Bad and Jordan doing the dance from one of the songs. I don't even remember which song it was, but she did the girl's part and he did the guy's part. They were just so cute!They'd kill me for saying this, but I can't wait til they have kids cause those kids are going to be gorgeous.
Just one more thing, I was so glad they were able to come over and really hang out with my family. Jordan's family lives in St. Louis and Bad's parents just moved to Florida. So having that family time is something not so easily accessed for them these days. Bad is already like a part of the family, and now it really feels like Jordan is too.