Thursday, April 22, 2010

Lion Sees An Expiration Date

I was talking to Lion yesterday and hearing all the lovely details of the party I missed in Florida last weekend. I wish I'd had more courage to make my big decision a few weeks ago. Then I wouldn't have missed that party. This is literally the first time I've missed this Champagne Sip since 2004. I'm telling you, there is nothing like being surrounded by people in Black Tie attire, all drinking directly from their own champagne bottles, swaying on a dance floor. Best! Party! Ever!

After Lion filled me on the lovely details, he told me some stuff about Rudy. Turns out since neither of them are big on birthdays, they didn't actually celebrate her birthday. I was perplexed by that, but that's just because I can't imagine ignoring my birthday. But I suppose that works for them.

Then Lion started talking about how he didn't know where their futures were going since they wanted such different things. She wants a family one day. He wants a vasectomy. She wants to live near her parents. He wants to live somewhere in the South (she's from Boston, or somewhere near there). That's just the beginning.

I was surprised because although he's said he doesn't really want a family, he's never gone so far as to talk about a vasectomy. But he sounded like he meant it. So I said, "well it sounds like you all have an expiration date for your relationship." He said, "I guess we do."

That sucks because they're so good for each other right now. I'm hoping he'll change his mind. How can he know he doesn't want a family? It just doesn't make sense. He loves kids, he likes the companionship that being in a relationship brings.

The good news is since they live in different states, there's no immediate pressure from her for him to change his mind. She's not walking around with the baby itch or ticking clock or whatever. But she'll get there. Most every woman gets there. I'm just hoping that when she does, he'll be willing to go there too.

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